Tuesday, March 03, 2009


his voice sounds a bit like despair:
tell me what do you want!!!
and whispering
with her mouth glued to His lips
she mumble:
the truth!!

He walks away...
so weak,
so fragile
so bent down...
'cause renounce is never easy
but staying it aint an option... sometimes.

His voice sounds a bit like regret:
tell me what do you want!!!
and without breathing
with her fingers nailing his skin
she cries:

and she knows its not an option...
at least, not as she wants to!


Blogger Maariah said...

Poca, tu nunca dizes nada errado.

E eu hoje também não queria dizer. Queria deixar um comentário como me disseste que eu costumava fazer e que tu gostavas. Não consigo, leio e releio.

Ficam a força das tuas palavras que muito poucas conseguem igualar.

9:44 PM  

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